Posted in English, Stories

Be Mindful

“Do you know what a mindfulness exercise is?” asks the therapist. I take my eyes off the bare nail stuck…

Posted in English, Stories

The Great Pumpkin

Pelt was sitting under the old oak tree where he had taken refuge from the rain and stared at the…

Posted in English, Stories


The sky cleared and the almost-full moon shone brightly on the porch. Cat pulled the blanket up a little higher.…

Posted in English, Stories

Dance Encounter

Cavan switched the music on, and soft sounds filled the empty dancehall. He unzipped his sweat jacket, let it slide…

Posted in English, Stories


With a loud hoot and red warning lights, the doors closed. The subway jerked into motion and disappeared into the…

Posted in English, Stories

Wake Up

It was a gloomy November night and Cavan was home alone. The dog had already barked a few times when…

Posted in English, Stories


The air above the asphalt shimmered like a cliché. It was stuffy in the car and smelled of Boon, but…

Posted in English, Stories

Bus Encounter

5:32 a.m. Hannes drove the school bus out of the depot seven minutes later than usual. Just because the left…

Posted in English, Stories

When She Knocks

Cavan sat in the tiny kitchen staring at the half empty can of beans in tomato sauce and the crusts…